
Showing posts from March, 2017

BER Performance in Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial for Inner and outer Interleaving Using 64 QAM

Himani Chugh  Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh Email: Abstract: Digital video broadcasting-terrestrial (DVB-T) was developed by the DVB Project that was first broadcast in the UK in 1997. The compressed digital audio, video and other data in Moving Picture Expert Group (MPEG) transport stream, using orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation is transmitted by this system. In order to analyze how an MPEG transport stream at the input of a DVB-T modulator is turned into a DVB-T signal, the channel coding and modulation technique must be considered. DVB-T offers three different modulation schemes (QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM). This paper analyzes the performance of the system for the stationary reception. The aim was to implement all the functional blocks as specified in the DVB-T specification and analyze the BER performance of the system. Thus, this paper deals with a MAT

Effect of Steel Fibers on Reinforced Concrete Opening Corners

Neeru Bansal1 , Naveen Kwatra2 and Varinder S Kanwar3 1 Civil Engineering Department, RIMT-MAEC, Mandi Gobindgarh 2 Civil Engineering Department, Thapar University Patiala 3 Chitkara University, HP Abstract: In the design of reinforced concrete structures, much of the attention is embarked towards calculation of the strength of basic structural elements like beams, columns and slabs. Comparatively lesser emphasis has been laid on the detailing, corresponding strength and behavior of corner joints, especially those subjected to opening moments as in the case of cantilever retaining walls, bridge abutments, channels, rectangular liquid retaining structures, beam column joints under earthquake loads. The detailing of reinforcement should be easier and simpler in order to expedite the construction process. At the same time structural member should satisfy the fundamental requirements of strength expressed in terms of controlled cracking and ductility. The result of a comprehensive

The Role of Cultural Heritages on the Physical Transformation of Rural Housing

Masud Ur Rashid  Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, 141-142, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka, Bangladesh Email: Abstract: It is found almost everywhere in the world that there are some taboos and beliefs related with rural settlement. There are taboos and beliefs regarding the homesteads in rural areas. Religion is one of the major factors, which guided the formations of rural houses in Bangladesh. People’s religious belief and culture is reflected over the rural settlements and homestead through the transformation process of rural housing. By the transformation of rural housing certain characteristics like building materials, utilities of space and construction technologies are changed but some elements are conserved as a part of the heritage and beliefs. As transformation is a continuous process, these conservations are carried out by some vernacular way which this paper has discussed about. DOI: 10.1541

Application of Silica Fume and Nanosilica in Cement and Concrete – A Review

Sakshi Gupta  Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon, Haryana, India Email: Abstract: This paper reviews the recent developments and present state of the application of silica fume (micro-silica) and nano-silica for sustainable development of concrete industry. This would save not only the natural resources and energy but also protect the environment with the reduction of waste material. Limited work is done on use of nano-silica and microsilica in paste, mortar and concrete and whatever work is available is highly contradictory about their influence on mechanical strength development and durability properties. Various literatures have been reviewed to understand the influence of micro and nano-silica on fresh, hardened and microstructural properties of paste, cement mortar and concrete. Taking advantage of nanostructure and microstructure characterization tools and materials, the simultaneous and

Seismic Analysis of Soft Storey Buildings Considering Structural and Geometrical Parameters

Gaurav Joshi1 , K.K. Pathak2 and Saleem Akhtar1  1 Department of Civil Engineering, UIT (RGPV), Bhopal, MP, India 2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NITTTR, Bhopal, MP, India  Email: Abstract: Soft storeys in a high rise building play an important role on its seismic performance. At the soft storey level, there is a discontinuity in the rigidity of the structure due to lack of infill walls or due to variation in floor height. It is this continuity which is the cause of structural failure of multi stored buildings under earthquake loads. In this study, seismic analysis of soft storey building frames have been carried out considering 3 building plans, 15 soft storeys cases and 20 load combinations. Soft storeys have been created by varying the floor heights and effect of infill is ignored. In this way, total 45 frames are analysed. software has been used for analysis purpose. Results are collected in terms of max. moment, max.

Image Compression using an efficient hybrid algorithm

Sandhya Sharma and Urvashi Bhat  Electronics and Communication Department, Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, India Email: Abstract: This research paper proposes a method for the compression of medical images using an efficient hybrid algorithm. The objective of this hybrid (DWT,DCT and Huffman quantization) scheme is to calculate the compression ratio, peak signal to noise ratio and mean square error by changing the DWT level and Huffman quantization factor. The goal is to achieve higher compression ratio by applying different compression thresholds for the wavelet coefficient of each DWT band and then DCT with varying Huffman quantization factor while preserving the quality of reconstructed image. First DWT and DCT is applied on individual components RGB. After applying this image is quantized using Huffman quantization to calculate probability index for each unique quantity so as to find out the unique binary code for each unique

Concrete Mix Design Using Artificial Neural Network

Sakshi Gupta National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra 136118, Haryana, India Email: Abstract: Concrete mix design is a process based on sound technical principles for proportioning of ingredients in right quantities. This paper demonstrates the applicability of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) Model for approximate proportioning of concrete mixes. For ANN a trained back propagation neural network is integrated in the model to learn experimental data pertaining to predict 7, 14 and 28-day compressive strength which have been loaded into a model, containing 55 concrete mixtures. The ANN model proposed is based on 5 input parameters such as cement, sand, coarse aggregate, and water and fineness modulus. The proposed concrete mix proportion design is expected to reduce the number of trials in laboratory as well as field, saves cost of material as well as labor and also saves time as it provides higher accuracy. The concrete designed is expected to have hi

Photoluminescence and Photo-Catalytic Activity of Synthesized Nanocrystals

Mansi Chitkara, Khanesh Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar and I S Sandhu  Department of Applied Sciences, Chitkara University, Rajpura 140 401, Punjab, India Karamjit Singh Department of Physics, Punjabi University, Patiala 147 002, Punjab, India Email: Abstract:  Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor nanostructures have attracted great attention due to their size tunable photo-physical and photo-chemical properties. In the present paper, polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) capped Zn1-xEux S (0.00001≤x≤0.1) nanocrystals have been synthesized by means of a facile chemical synthesis method. Crystallography and morphology of synthesized materials have been deliberated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscope (TEM), respectively. Diffraction and electron micrograph studies reveal that the synthesized materials are zinc blende nanocrystals having average particle size ~3nm. Elemental and compositional analyses of the nanocrystals have been done us

Coal Characterisation and Design for Fossil Fuel Fired Boiler in Thermal Power Plants

Siddhartha and Raj Kumar  Mechanical Engineering Department, YMCA University of Science and Technology,  Zakir Nagar, Faridabad 121006, Haryana, India  E-Mail: Abstract:   Coal is a highly heterogeneous in nature and requires several analytical techniques for its characterization so as to accurately predict its behavior during conversion processes such as combustion, gasification or liquefaction. The goal of utilizing the available large quantities of indigenous coal alone with reducing emissions is increasing the efficiency of power plants by utilizing steam conditions. The performance correlations based on bulk property analysis of coal adequately impact coal quality on conversion efficiencies and plant performance. Thermo mechanical analysis , an advanced bulk analytical technique provides detailed thermal behavior of ash relevant to power plant operations. The decrease in easily worked deposits , together with the decline in the av