Image Compression using an efficient hybrid algorithm

Sandhya Sharma and Urvashi Bhat 
Electronics and Communication Department, Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, India


Abstract: This research paper proposes a method for the compression of medical images using an efficient hybrid algorithm. The objective of this hybrid (DWT,DCT and Huffman quantization) scheme is to calculate the compression ratio, peak signal to noise ratio and mean square error by changing the DWT level and Huffman quantization factor. The goal is to achieve higher compression ratio by applying different compression thresholds for the wavelet coefficient of each DWT band and then DCT with varying Huffman quantization factor while preserving the quality of reconstructed image. First DWT and DCT is applied on individual components RGB. After applying this image is quantized using Huffman quantization to calculate probability index for each unique quantity so as to find out the unique binary code for each unique symbol for their encoding.

DOI: 10.15415/jotitt.2013.11004



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