BER Performance in Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial for Inner and outer Interleaving Using 64 QAM

Himani Chugh 
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh


Abstract: Digital video broadcasting-terrestrial (DVB-T) was developed by the DVB Project that was first broadcast in the UK in 1997. The compressed digital audio, video and other data in Moving Picture Expert Group (MPEG) transport stream, using orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation is transmitted by this system. In order to analyze how an MPEG transport stream at the input of a DVB-T modulator is turned into a DVB-T signal, the channel coding and modulation technique must be considered. DVB-T offers three different modulation schemes (QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM). This paper analyzes the performance of the system for the stationary reception. The aim was to implement all the functional blocks as specified in the DVB-T specification and analyze the BER performance of the system. Thus, this paper deals with a MATLAB application being developed to simulate DVB-T system for selected QAM. This work deals with the MATLAB code to establish a system level simulation environment and use this system simulation model to evaluate the system performance hence provide the result in evaluating the performance of DVB-T with 64QAM. This system is able to measure and analyze the performance of bit error rate (BER) versus energy per bit to noise power spectral density ratio (Eb/No) for 64 QAM.

DOI: 10.15415/jotitt.2013.12009



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