Using the Technology Acceptance Model to understand the use of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) to Classroom

Deepshikha Aggarwal 
Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Delhi, India


Abstract: In today’s world, the technology has been embedded in all aspects of human life. The education sector has been at the forefront of technology adoption. Technology-enhanced learning (TEL) is a system of education that promotes the application of information and communication technology for teaching and learning and the concept of “bring your own device” (BYOD) supports this. BYOD is particularly beneficial for the education sector due to cost saving and comfort of using personal devices. Researchers believe that inclusion of technology must be supported by the user acceptance and the most popular framework to predict user acceptance of technology is the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) proposed by Davis. The paper describes the study conducted for the purpose of predicting the acceptance and utilization of BYOD by the college students based on TAM variables of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude towards using, and behavioral intention to use. Additional external variables of teachers’ influence, facilitating conditions and peer influence are adopted to study the user acceptance of BYOD. A questionnaire based on the TAM variables was developed and used to gather information from students of a post graduate course in information technology of an Indian university. The results of analysis suggest that the considered variables have an impact on the overall behavioral intention to use BYOD and thus support the original findings of TAM.

Research Paper Link:



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