SRC Model to Identify Beguiling Reviews
Tanya Gera, Deepak Thakur and Jaiteg Singh Chitkara University, Punjab, India


Abstract: Today, E-trade sites are giving colossal number of platform to clients in which they can express their perspectives, their suppositions and post their audits about the items on the web. Such substance helped by clients is accessible for different clients and makers as a significant wellspring of data. This data is useful in taking imperative business choices. Despite the fact that this data impact the purchasing choice of a client, however quality control on this client created information is not guaranteed, as audit area is an open stage accessible to all. Anybody can compose anything on web which may incorporate surveys which are not true. As the prevalence of Ecommerce destinations are hugely expanding, nature of the surveys is deteriorating step by step subsequently influencing clients’ purchasing choices. This has turned into an enormous social issue. From numerous years, email spam and web spam were the two primary highlighted social issues. At the same time these days, because of notoriety of clients’ enthusiasm toward internet shopping and their reliance on the online audits, it turned into a real focus for audit spammers to delude clients by composing sham surveys for target items. To the best of our insight, very little study is accounted for in regards to this issue reliability of online reviews. To begin with paper was distributed in 2007 by NITIN JINDAL & BING LIU in regards to review Spam detection. In the past few years, variety of techniques has been recommended by researchers to accord with this trouble. This paper intends to introduce Suspicious Review Classifier model (SRC) for identifying suspicious review, review spammers and their group.

DOI: 10.15415/jotitt.2015.31003



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