Improving the e-activity Design in Problem-based Learning Module in Mechanical Engineering

Lecturer, School of Engineering, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland, U.K

Abstract: The transition from the teacher-centric learning environment to the problem-based learning (PBL) environment may not be smooth due to students’ expectations of getting direct support from the teacher. However, a teacher also tries to teach students the skills to be an independent learner. The aim of this study is to improve the students learning experience in the PBL environment by improving the e-tivity (online activity) design in a blended online teaching module in Mechanical Engineering (ME). A mixed research method approach helped to analyse the students’ learning experience in the module. The result shows that the present design of the e-tivities does not provide students with opportunities to study effectively in the PBL environment online, and proposed an improved design of the e-tivities. It implies the need to create e-tivities by taking into consideration the students’ learning styles to encourage active participation, to provide rich student-tutor interactions for prompt feedback on the students’ performance and hold workshops to improve the facilitation skills of the academic staff in the PBL environment. Further study suggests evaluating the effectiveness of the designed e-tivities on the students’ academic performance, and the development of the skills needed to study effectively in a PBL environment.

DOI: 10.15415/jotitt.2016.41005



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