Evaluation of Assessment Method to Incorporate Graduate Attributes in Building Surveying Module

Lecturer, School of Engineering, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland, U.K
Lecturer, School of Engineering, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland, U.K.

Email: s.chowdhry@napier.ac.uk, c.garnier@napier.ac.uk

Abstract: This study aims at finding out whether an alternate assessment strategy in Sustainable Developments module to improve the student’s employability skills and qualities. The exploratory studies, quantitative and qualitative questions acted as a data gathering instruments. The findings showed a need to change the current assessment strategy for Sustainable Developments module, proposed a new assessment approach and evaluated it. The research infers the studied institution should encourage academic staff to get familiar with the effective learning strategies, students learning styles and how to assess an assessment plan with graduate attributes model. A suggested direction for further research is to create an assessment model based on the students learning styles, assessment strategies and the workload information.

DOI: 10.15415/jotitt.2016.42008

LINK: http://dspace.chitkara.edu.in/jspui/bitstream/1/781/4/3%20-%20Evaluation%20of%20Assessment%20Method%20to%20Incorporate%20Graduate%20Attributes%20in%20Building%20Surveying%20Module%20-%20Sandeep%20Chawdhry.pdf


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