Enhancements In Sorting Algorithms: A Review

Shama Raheja and Vinay kukreja 
Chitkara University, Punjab, India

Email: shama.rani@chitkara.edu.in

Abstract: One of the important issues in designing algorithms is to arrange a list of items in particular order. Although there is a large number of sorting algorithms, sorting problem has concerned a great compact of research, because efficient sorting is important to optimize the use of other algorithms. In many applications, sorting plays an important role as to easily handling of the data by arranging it in ascending or descending order.[2] In this paper, we are presenting enhancements in various sorting algorithms such as bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, and merge sort. A sorting algorithm consists of comparison, swap, and the use of assignment operations. Bubble sort, selection sort and insertion sort are algorithms, which are easy to understand but have the worst time complexity of O (n2 ). The new algorithms are discussed, analyzed, tested, and executed for reference. Enhanced selection sort is based on sorting the items by making it slightly faster and stable sorting algorithm. Modified bubble sort is an modification on both bubble sort and selection sort algorithms with O (n log n) complexity instead of O (n2 ) for bubble sort and selection sort algorithms. [3] [1].

DOI: 10.15415/jotitt.2015.31005

LINK: http://dspace.chitkara.edu.in/jspui/bitstream/1/587/1/31005_JOTITT_Shama.pdf


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