Development of Paver Block by Using Foundry Sand Based Geopolymer Concrete
ME student (CTM) Department of Civil Engineering, NITTTR Chandigarh
Professor & HOD, NITTTR Chandigarh 3 Assistant Professor NITTTR Chandigarh
Abstract: Foundry sand is high quality silica sand with uniform physical characteristics. It is a byproduct of ferrous and nonferrous metal casting industries, where sand has been used for centuries as a molding material because of its thermal conductivity. Applications of foundry sand in Geopolymer Paver block, which is technically, sound, environmentally safe for sustainable development. In this study, partially replacement of fine aggregate in Geopolymer paver block by used foundry sand for determining the change in the compressive strength of paver blocks and cost of paver block. Partial replacement of fine aggregate in different percentage as like 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%,80% and 100%. The compressive strength has been determined at the end of 7, 14 and 28 days and water absorption test has been determined at 28 days.
DOI: 10.15415/jotitt.2015.32009

ME student (CTM) Department of Civil Engineering, NITTTR Chandigarh
Professor & HOD, NITTTR Chandigarh 3 Assistant Professor NITTTR Chandigarh
Abstract: Foundry sand is high quality silica sand with uniform physical characteristics. It is a byproduct of ferrous and nonferrous metal casting industries, where sand has been used for centuries as a molding material because of its thermal conductivity. Applications of foundry sand in Geopolymer Paver block, which is technically, sound, environmentally safe for sustainable development. In this study, partially replacement of fine aggregate in Geopolymer paver block by used foundry sand for determining the change in the compressive strength of paver blocks and cost of paver block. Partial replacement of fine aggregate in different percentage as like 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%,80% and 100%. The compressive strength has been determined at the end of 7, 14 and 28 days and water absorption test has been determined at 28 days.
DOI: 10.15415/jotitt.2015.32009

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