Comparative Analysis of Cloud Simulators and Authentication Techniques in Cloud Computing

Ashima Mehta, S. N. Panda 
Research Scholar, Chitkara University, Punjab, India
Director Research, CURIN, Chitkara University Punjab, India

Abstract: Cloud computing is the concern of computer hardware and software resources above the internet so that anyone who is connected to the internet can access it as a service or provision in a seamless way. As we are moving more and more towards the application of this newly emerging technology, it is essential to study, evaluate and analyze the performance, security and other related problems that might be encountered in cloud computing. Since, it is not a practicable way to directly examine the behavior of cloud on such problems using the real hardware and software resources due to its high costs, modeling and simulation has become an essential tool to withstand with these issues. In this paper, we retrospect, analyse and compare features of the existing cloud computing simulators and various location based authentication and simulation tools.

DOI: 10.15415/jotitt.2016.42010



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