Moment Curvature Characteristics for Structural Elements of RC Building

Ravi Kumar C M1,*, Vimal Choudhary2 , K S Babu Narayan3 and D. Venkat Reddy3
1 Research Scholar, 2PG Student, 3 Professors, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Karnataka, India


Abstract: The paper highlights the investigation of nonlinear axial-force and moment-curvature relationships for rectangular reinforced concrete (RC) beam and column cross sections for the reference reinforced concrete building structure considered for Probabilistic Seismic Risk Evaluation. The highly popular model namely Mander’s model is used for concrete stressstrain relationship since it is simple and effective in considering the effects of confinement. The module determines the expected behavior of a user-defined cross-section by first dividing the section into a number of parallel concrete and steel “fibers”. Then, the section forces and deformations are determined from the fiber strains and stresses using fundamental principles of equilibrium, strain compatibility, and constitutive relationships assuming that plane sections remain plane.

DOI: 10.15415/jotitt.2014.21002




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