Indian Sign Language Recognition System for Differently-able People

Er. Kanika Goyal1 , Amitoj Singh2 
1Me Fellowship (cse), 2 Assistant Research Director, Chitkara University, Punjab, India


Abstract: Sign languages commonly develop in deaf communities, that can include interpreters and friends and families of deaf people as well as people who are deaf or hard of hearing themselves. Sign Language Recognition is one of the most growing fields of research today. There are Many new techniques that have been developed recently in these fields. Here in this paper, we will propose a system for conversion of Indian sign language to text using Open CV. OpenCV designed to generate motion template images that can be used to rapidly determine where that motion occurred, how that motion occurred, and in which direction it occurred. There is also support for static gesture recognition in OpenCV which can locate hand position and define orientation (right or left) in image and create hand mask image. In this we will use image processing in which captured image will be processed which are digital in nature by the digital computer. By this we will enhance the quality of a picture so that it looks better. Our aim is to design a human computer interface system that can recognize language of the deaf and dumb accurately.

DOI: 10.15415/jotitt.2014.22011




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